This 2007 Or 1965?
. . .Cont.

feel a quiet sense of rage and I see it on peoples faces. At least on the
faces of the people that still bother to show up for anti-war demonstrations and
others who finally became so disgusted they started showing up. Im talking
about regular folks showing up
like schoolteachers, yuppies, and construction
workers, college freshman who were only 13 or 14 when all this began.
there arent many more National Guard members to send, weve sent them
all, our Navy, Army, Air Force and Marines are busy fighting two wars and preparing
for maybe another one with Iran. So, if 50,000 or 100,000 more troops are eventually
needed when these 21,000 cant do the job who will go?
who were 13 or 14 when this began?
this war began they were probably just figuring out sex or going to their
first dance with some nic e boy or girl. Brittany Spears was still a nice
girl, she hadnt even taken off her panties yet for the paparazzi.
Back then looking for Osama Bin Laden wasnt a joke yet
Pervez Musharraf, the president of Pakistan, was recently on the Daily Show with
John Stewart and Stewart asked, Wheres Osama? Musharraf said
he didnt know but if Stewart found out he should lead the way. They got
a good laugh
but its no laughing matter.

something like 10 a.m. and there arent too many people here yet. I let the
Associated Press photographer in front of me in the press line because hes
on deadline. Code Pink, a
womens anti-war group is supposed to be speaking at the Navy Memorial, he
tells me and Hong Kong already wants photos because theyre on deadline.
As usual, this thing isnt too organized. A lot of the sign people are carrying
are looking pretty cliché. A very Washington looking reporter is shaking
his head. The corporate media will soon have the photos they need an be on to
the next story
Ive been on this story now for a few years and I understand
the nuances of it in the way many reporters probably dont.

thing I am noticing today is people seem to have less of the energy than Ive
seen at other protests in the past. I think people are tired. I see woman at the
Code Pink rally, Ann Wright, who I first met while covering the Cindy Sheehan
vigil outside Bushs ranch in Crawford. She looks really tired
the anti-war movement has aged her about 10 years.

impossible to get near the stage because I am late arriving and I walk around
back when I do a double take. Here is Sean Penn lighting up a cigarette. Earlier
across the street there are a few counter protesters who are as usual calling
the anti-war protesters traitors.

Fonda is standing next to Eve Ensler who recites an anti-war poem I wish Id
recorded. Fonda is totally unfazed. Eventually, Sean Penn walks off and the Code
Pink women begin getting into Limos.
where was Cindy Sheehan today? Her absence is very conspicuous to me. Last time
I was here some of her helpers were complaining about Code Pink. Evidently, the
Code Pink women had Cindy Sheehans volunteers unloading their luggage at
the airport. Then it was Cindy Sheehans volunteers, a couple people actually,
one woman in particular, that nearly single handedly hammered 900 crosses into
a lawn on the national mall not far from the White House. That was almost two
years ago.
I head
to the main anti-war rally site and I see the Iraq
Veterans Against the War standing in a group. I dont recognize any
of them and I realize theyre probably people that have come home from Iraq
and joined the anti-war movement since the last time I was in D.C. I feel older
now, but less wise, looking at them because I was so sure this whole thing would
be resolved by now and it isnt. Things are actually much worse now and about
a couple thousand more troops have died since I was out in Crawford listening
to Joan Baez fill in for Cindy Sheehan during
a week when Sheehan went home to see a sick parent.

this anti-war movement was never about Cindy Sheehan. So maybe its good
that she isnt here because for a while the whole anti-war movement was about
her and that probably wasnt at all what she intended though I cant
speak for her. I saw her so many times when I was photographing the anti-war
movement that summer that it seemed normal
but now I see those few moments
for what they were, history.
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